Royal Brunei Gurkha Reserve Unit
Train The Trainer Program

In mid 2019 Dog Force Australia was contracted by the Royal Brunei Gurkha Reserve Unit – K9 Section to deliver a Train the Trainer Course to six of their experienced handlers.The Gurkha Reserve Unit are an elite force of soldiers from Nepal who are commissioned by the Sultan of Brunei to protect the Royal Family, the citizens of Brunei as well as the country’s critical infrastructure.
DFA Director of Training, Dave Wright and Senior Trainer Jim Gall delivered our Train the Trainer Program to six experienced Gurkha Reserve Unit K9 Soldiers over 8 weeks. The course concentrated on delivering skills to the students in developing the Unit’s capacity to train handlers in Explosive Detection, Searching and Patrol work. The training program was extremely well received by the Gurkha Reserve Unit with numerous new training methodologies introduced into their existing training program.
Plans are already underway for DFA to return to Brunei in 2020 to deliver further programs in Explosive Detection Dog Detection.

More Case Studies

Security Dog and Handler Training

Dog and handler training
In early 2017 Dog Force Australia was approached by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to submit a tender to provide dog and handler training to the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) in preparation for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit to be held in Port Moresby October 2018.

Police Dog Handler Training
In 2016 Dog Force Australia was contracted by the Northern Territory Police to deliver a Police Dog Handler – Detection Operations Course for the Northern Territory Police Dog Operations Unit.